Reconnecting Knoxville
Between the 1960’s – 1980’s, urban renewal in Knoxville demolished predominantly Black neighborhoods to allow for expanded public infrastructure that ultimately left Black families physically isolated and disconnected from economic opportunity. Today, the scars of that displacement are still visible. One sees the impact of urban renewal not only in the physical landscape surrounding Knoxville’s downtown, but also in disproportionately high poverty rates for Black residents, low Black-owned business ownership levels, and a persistent sense of both physical and cultural segregation between historically Black neighborhoods and the thriving downtown and economic redevelopment areas nearby.
Reconnecting Knoxville is a part of that mission. If funded, this grant will create clear pathways to physically reconnect the neighborhoods directly impacted by urban renewal with public amenities and economic opportunities that are currently more difficult to access without a car. This type of connectivity would promote economic investment in an area that has historically seen disinvestment, increasing mobility & access to opportunity, and promoting active/healthy living.
KCDC will be applying for a DOT Reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant opportunity for the Capital Construction of a new multi-modal transportation pathways to reconnect underserved communities with highly-sought amenities and emerging development centers across the City of Knoxville.
Benefit-Cost Analysis Spreadsheet:
Technical plans, feasibility studies and concept plans:
- East Knox Greenway Schematic Design
- East Knox Greenway Cross Section Presentation
- East Knox Greenway Phase I Map 2023
- East Knox Greenway Phase II Map 2023
- Austin Homes Infrastructure Plans 123019
- Austin Homes Hillside Slide Park 1192021
- Austin Homes First Circle Crossing Design Development Plan
- Summit Hill Crossing Plans-Permit Set
- Knoxville Multi-Use Stadium Infrastructure Exhibit
- City of Knoxville Greenway Corridor Feasibility and Assessment 2016
- South Knoxville Bridge Greenway Concept Plans
- 129840-00-James White Parkway Technical Report
- JWP Technical Report Proposed maps
Planning Studies, Developer Agreements and Master plans:
- East Knox Greenway TDOT COK Contract
- TIP Rollover Form 2023 East Knox Greenway Phase I
- TIP 2023 2026 application East Knox Greenway Phase II
- KCDC Masterplan Austin Homes
- Austin Homes Environmental Assessment Determinations and Compliance
- Austin Homes Open Space Opinion of Probable Cost 12202021
- KCDC Easement Diagram
- BlueCross BlueShield Healthy Place Park
- Knox County Multi-Use Stadium & Adjacent Development Economic Impact Study
- Budget South Knoxville Bridge Greenway
- Economic-Impact-of-Urban Wilderness
- Framework Vision Concept Design Report Urban Wilderness Gateway Park
Other supporting Materials:
- East Knox Greenway Virtual Public Meeting Recording
- Science Museum Rendering
- 09-28-2022 Urban Wilderness Cover Letter
- A Case Study of the Consequences of Displacement Caused by Urban
- MLK JR Corridor 2008
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue Survey Results 2021
- KCDC-Austin-Homes-Community-Open-House-Presentation
- KAT Reimagined Survey Results Report
- KCDC Household Needs Assessment Report
- Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects results - Line draw